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Partner.Co Compensation Plan

Countries (Compensation Plan A):

Austria- Belgium -Denmark -Finland - France - French Guiana- Germany -Greece Guadeloupe – Ireland – Italy – Luxembourg – Martinique - Netherlands Norway -Poland- Reunion – Spain - Sweden – Switzerland - United Kingdom


Countries (Compensation Plan B):

Bulgaria  - Croatia - Estonia - Hungary - Israel - Latvia - Lithuania - Portugal - Romania - Slovenia - United Arab Emirates 

The Partner.Co Compensation Plan is an industry-disrupting compensation method designed to pay our Brand Partners' the highest amount for their sales.

This compensation methodology is so unique that it has multiple patents filed on it. It isn't a binary, unilevel, matrix or even a hybrid. The patent-pending structure is the first and only "multi-line" in the direct selling industry.

In the Compensation Plan section, you will see tools and trainings that will give you the knowledge you need to understand it.

Compensation Plan section here.



Further assets available in your Partner.Co Share app.

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