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Compensation Structure

1. What is a placement tree, and how does volume flow through it?

A placement tree is the structural organization of your downline — where new members you sponsor are positioned in your team. The placement tree determines how volume flows within your organization. Volume generated by each team member flows upward through the placement tree, contributing to the overall sales volume for your Income Positions. This volume influences your eligibility for bonuses and commissions, as it accumulates across the different levels of your downline based on their purchases and sales activities.

2. What’s the difference between the sponsorship tree and the placement tree?

The sponsorship tree reflects who directly enrolled or sponsored new Brand Partners into the business. It determines the lineage of who brought someone into the company and influences some bonuses, such as the Matching Bonus.

The placement tree, on the other hand, determines where those Brand Partners are placed within your organization, impacting how volume flows and which lines it contributes to. The placement tree affects commissions and volume optimization, while the sponsorship tree directly affects relationship-based bonuses, like Matching Bonus.
Promotions can be based on either sponsorship tree or placement tree, dependent on the nature of the promotion.

3. Can I have multiple Income Positions? How do I earn them, and can they be moved or sold?

Yes, you can earn multiple Income Positions through a process we call optimization. When the volume on two or more of your lines reach the maximum payout possible (13,334 PV) in a single week, you receive an additional Pay Line and Income Position which you can use to re-enter the Partner.Co network.

New Income Positions can be placed anywhere under the optimized Pay Line (called re-entry), letting you take advantage of its momentum and continue earning baseline commissions exceeding 13,334 on that line.

Income Positions cannot be freely moved or sold. New Income Positions cannot be placed under your Power Line.

4. What are the rules regarding crossline activity? What can or can’t be done crossline?

Crossline activity refers to interactions between Brand Partners who are not in the same downline or upline. Partner.Co prohibits certain crossline activities, including recruiting from another team, moving volume across unrelated lines, placing members from one line into another or engaging in crossline sponsorship. Violating crossline rules may lead to penalties or the retraction of bonuses and commissions.

5. Can I give away or move sponsorship/placement? Can I do this after enrollment?

Sponsorship cannot transfer to another person after enrollment without Partner.Co Compliance approval for special circumstances only. Please refer to the Partner.Co Policies and Procedures for the full placement movement process.

6. What is the minimum sales threshold for maintaining an Income Position?

The minimum sales threshold for maintaining your first Income Position is 100 PV and 200 PV for additional Income Positions.

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