Articles in this section

Commission Eligibility & Status

1. What is the color of my qualification week, and can it be changed?

Partner.Co assigns each week in a four-week commission cycle a color to help you identify your qualification week and track your progress more easily. There are four different color weeks: Red, blue, green and purple.

While you can request to change the color of your qualification week by contacting Partner Support, it may affect your commission eligibility and how your orders are tracked in the short term.

2. Why might I have negative volume, and how does it impact my commission?

When a product return processes, the associated volume from personal or customer purchases is deducted from your total PV or from the specific line for downline purchases, potentially resulting in a negative balance. Negative volume can affect your ability to qualify for commissions.

If you have a negative balance that impacts your commission qualification status, you’ll need to generate additional sales to offset the returns and regain positive volume before you can qualify for commissions.

3. Will negative volume result in retracted commissions?

Commissions related to negative volume will be retracted in the week when the negative volume occurs.

4. Where can I check my commission qualification status?

You can check your commission qualification status and view other details such as sales performance, current PV summary, customer orders and eligibility in your Back Office.

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