1. What is a Business Level, and how do I achieve it?
A Business Level refers to a rank within the Partner.Co Compensation Plan and is determined by the volume you accumulate in the first four weeks following your enrollment. The higher your Business Level, the higher commission and bonuses you can earn.
2. How many Business Levels are there, and what are the requirements for each level?
Business Levels can vary based on the specific Compensation Plan (e.g., Plan A or Plan B), and include Activated, Business, Elite and Ultimate levels. Each level has its own volume thresholds and team structure requirements. For example, you might need to achieve 500 PV for the Business Level, and progressively higher PV for higher levels like Elite or Ultimate. Exact requirements can vary by market, and specific details are found in your Compensation Plan documentation.
3. How is the Business Level determined by volume? Do personal purchases count toward my Business Level?
Your Business Level is determined by a combination of PV, which includes both personal purchases and customer purchases made within the first four weeks following your enrollment. Exact requirements can vary by market, and specific details are found in your Compensation Plan documentation.
4. What are the benefits and perks of each Business Level (e.g., Business, Elite, Ultimate)?
There are four Business Levels: Activated, Business, Elite and Ultimate.
Each level has a specific PV requirements and benefits that can vary by Compensation Plan.
Activated: Unlock commission eligibility, two lines and 15% on New Volume Bonus (NVB) from personally enrolled Brand Partners and customers for the lifespan of your distributorship.
Business: Unlock an additional Pay Line, doubled bonuses and 20% on NVB from personally enrolled Brand Partners and customers for the lifespan of your distributorship.
Elite Level: Unlock an additional Pay Line and 25% on NVB from personally enrolled Brand Partners and customers for the lifespan of your distributorship.
Ultimate Level: Unlock an additional Pay Line, Power Re-Entry™. Gold Status and 30% on NVB from personally enrolled Brand Partners and customers for the lifespan of your distributorship.
Plan A:
Plan B:
5. Can I upgrade my Business Level after the first four weeks?
No, you typically can’t change your Business Level after your first four weeks, but Partner.Co will occasionally offer promotional opportunities for Brand Partners to upgrade their Business Level. These promotions are not guaranteed.
6. Can I lose my Business Level?
No, once you achieve a Business Level, you will not lose it, but you can only take advantage of its benefits if you’re commission qualified.
7. How do I track my progress toward achieving or increasing my Business Level?
You can track your Business Level progress in your Back Office. These real-time updates help you set goals and stay on target to advance within the Compensation Plan.
8. Can Business Levels impact both New Volume Bonus (NVB) and base commissions?
Yes, your Business Level affects the percentage of NVB you can earn, but your base commissions will always remain at 15% of your Pay Line as long as you have matching volume in your Power Line.
9. Can I achieve a Business Level solely with customer purchases?
Yes, it is possible to qualify using mostly or entirely using customer purchases, as these contribute to your PV. Exact requirements can vary by market, and specific details are found in your Compensation Plan documentation.
10. What happens to my customer volume during and after my first four weeks in relation to Business Levels?
During the first four weeks following the date of your enrollment, your customer purchases will count toward the volume you need to achieve the Ultimate Business Level. During this time, you will not earn New Volume Bonus (NVB) unless you complete the requirements for the Ultimate Business Level first.
After your first four weeks, you can start earning NVB on all new customer purchases.
11. Do all markets have the same requirements for Business Levels?
No, Business Level requirements can vary, depending on the market’s specific Compensation Plan (e.g., Plan A, B or C), including different PV thresholds. Please review the specific Business Level requirements for your market, as detailed in your local Compensation Plan or Back Office.