1. How does the Savings Bonus work, and how does it accumulate?
The Savings Bonus is a financial incentive that rewards you for long-term business building.
For most Compensation Plans, after you reach $250 in base commissions, Partner.Co sets aside an additional 15% into a savings account, up to $500 USD each week for as long as you stay commission qualified. When you reach the specified threshold, typically $10,000 USD, you can cash out the full amount!
After your big pay day, you can continue to get paid on your Savings Bonus once per cycle up to $500 USD per week.
The Savings Bonus can vary by market. Always consult your local Compensation Plan for the exact details on commission structures in your market.
2. When can I cash out my Savings Bonus?
Once your Savings Bonus reaches the specified threshold, typically $10,000 USD, you can cash out. You may choose to withdraw the full amount or let it continue to accumulate.
3. Do I have to start over at $0 after reaching $10,000 USD?
Yes, once you cash out your Savings Bonus after the specified threshold, you will be eligible to be paid out your savings bonus every four weeks, up to $500 USD per week.
4. What happens if I drop out of commission eligibility? Do I lose my accumulated Savings Bonus?
If you drop out of commission eligibility (e.g., due to inactivity or failing to meet the required PV or sales threshold), your Savings Bonus may be frozen rather than lost. This means that your savings remain intact but will not continue to grow or pay out until you regain commission eligibility.
If you re-qualify for commissions, your Savings Bonus accumulation can resume from where it was left off. However, if you remain inactive for a prolonged period, there is a risk of forfeiting your bonus depending on the specific rules in your market.