1. What is Gold Status, and how do I qualify for it?
Gold Status is a recognition level within the Partner.Co Compensation Plan that unlocks up to seven generations of Matching Bonus.
You can get Gold Status by reaching Ultimate Business Level or selling at least 200 PV to four new people in your first two cycles.
2. What are the benefits of achieving Gold Status?
Achieving Gold Status unlocks the Matching Bonus, which pays you a matching percentage of your team’s base commissions up to seven generations. With Gold Status, you immediately unlock three generations of Matching Bonus. Then, you can earn generations four through seven by increasing your weekly base commissions and optimizing your Income Position.
3. What happens if I don’t achieve Gold Status within the required time?
If you do not achieve Gold Status within the required time (typically within your first eight weeks), you may miss out on the opportunity to earn the Matching Bonus, which pays you a matching percentage of your team’s base commissions.
However, you may still be able to qualify for Silver Status, which offers many of the same benefits but at on a per-commission-period basis. Gold Status, on the other hand, remains with you for life and will be active each commission period that you are commission eligible.
To obtain Gold Status, you must reach the Ultimate Business Level or sell twice the minimum sales threshold to four new people within the first two commission cycles after your enrollment.
4. How can I qualify for Silver Status if I miss Gold Status?
If you do not qualify for Gold Status, you can still aim for Silver Status by selling twice the minimum sales threshold to four new people, plus have a minimum of four personally sponsored Brand Partners or customers who purchase the minimum sales threshold each cycle. Each commission period that you maintain Silver Status, you can enjoy the same benefits as if you were of Gold Status.
5. What are the specific requirements for Silver Status?
The specific requirements for Silver Status may vary by market but generally include:
- Sponsoring four personally enrolled people.
- Ensuring those new people meet the minimum sales threshold (typically measured in PV) each commission cycle.
6. Do Gold and Silver Statuses affect my eligibility for Matching Bonuses?
Yes, both Gold and Silver Statuses significantly impact your eligibility for Matching Bonuses. Achieving Gold Status unlocks higher levels of Matching Bonuses, allowing you to earn from more generations within your downline. Silver Status also provides Matching Bonuses but is not a permanent status and must be maintained each commission cycle. Without either status, your eligibility for these bonuses may be limited or unavailable.
7. Can I lose my Gold or Silver Status? How do I maintain these statuses?
You cannot lose Gold Status, but you are required to maintain commission eligibility to participate in all of the benefits associated with the status. You earn Silver Status each commission period but it’s not permanent. If you do not meet the qualifications for Silver Status, you will not be eligible for the associated benefits.
8. Are the four personally sponsored people required to purchase the minimum sales threshold to maintain my status?
Gold Status: No, as long as you stay commission eligible, your status is not affected.
Silver Status: Yes, to maintain Silver Status, the four personally sponsored people must meet the minimum sales threshold (usually measured in PV) each cycle.
9. Do the same four people need to meet the minimum sales threshold each cycle for me to maintain Silver Status?
No, if your existing people fail to reach the required volume, you can sponsor new customers or Brand Partners who are more active can help you maintain your status. It’s essential to monitor your team’s activity to ensure that the required volume is met each cycle.
10. Do Gold and Silver Statuses vary by market?
No, the specific requirements and benefits of Gold and Silver Statuses are the same across all markets.
11. Is it possible to regain Gold or Silver Status if it is lost?
Yes, if you lose Silver Status, it is possible to regain it by meeting the necessary volume and sales thresholds again. This may involve enrolling new people, increasing the activity of your current downline or boosting your own sales to meet the minimum requirements. Once the conditions for the status are met again, you can regain the associated benefits on a commission period by commission period basis.
If you have Gold Status and become ineligible for commission, you will not receive the benefits. When you regain commission eligibility, you will regain all the benefits of Gold Status.
12. How does Gold Status impact dynamic compression for Matching Bonuses?
Each Brand Partner in your sponsor organization structure who has earned Gold or Silver Status for the commission period will be considered a generation if they are commission qualified, even if they don’t earn a commission. If they are not commission qualified, that generation will be compressed to maximize your matching bonus potential.
Members of your team who do not have Gold or Silver Status, are commission qualified but do not receive a commission will be compressed out.
13. What happens to my status if I have returns or cancellations in my downline?
If there are significant returns or cancellations in your downline, it may reduce your overall PV, potentially impacting your ability to maintain Silver Status. If the volume falls below the required thresholds due to returns, you may lose your status for that cycle. Monitoring returns to ensure you have four personally sponsored people who meet the minimum sales threshold is crucial for maintaining your status.