1. What is a Power Line, and how does it work? Can it be optimized?
A Power Line is a downline leg in your organization that generates the most volume under an Income Position.
Yes, a Power Line can be optimized. Optimization occurs when the volume in the Power Line reaches the maximum threshold for commission payouts, usually capped at 13,334 PV, in a given commission period. Once the Power Line is optimized, any additional personal or customer volume may not directly contribute to your base commissions but can benefit other lines through auto-balancing.
2. What are Pay Lines, and how are commissions calculated from them?
Pay Lines are the income-generating legs in your organization. They include all lines under an Income Position excluding your Power Line.
Commissions are calculated based on the volume accumulated in these Pay Lines. As you optimize your Pay Lines by increasing their volume, you earn commissions based on a percentage of the total volume generated in each Pay Line. The more Pay Lines you have and the more volume you generate in them, the higher your potential commissions. Pay Lines are key to maximizing your base commissions.
3. What happens to the volume that exceeds 13,334 PV in a line?
Any volume that exceeds 13,334 PV in a single line is typically not counted toward additional base commissions in that line for the current commission period. The cap ensures that volume is spread across multiple lines, encouraging balanced growth in your organization.
4. Can volume be rebalanced or auto-balanced between lines?
Volume cannot be rebalanced across Pay Lines. If you have more PV from personal purchases and customer purchases that exceed your minimum sales threshold, it can be auto-balanced to your lines to optimize your base commission payout. Auto-balancing may differ market to market; refer to your local Compensation Plan documentation for details.
5. How does auto-balancing work for Income Positions?
If you have more personal volume from your purchases or the purchases of your customers, that volume can be auto-balanced to optimize your base commissions. This volume will be placed in your lines to generate the greatest amount of commissions possible by balancing your Power Line and Pay Line. When you achieve a higher Business Level, you will have more Pay Lines available and more locations where auto-balancing can place auto-balanced volume. Auto-balancing may differ market to market; refer to your local Compensation Plan documentation for details.
6. How do base commissions change across markets? Are there any limits on how much I can earn?
Base commissions may vary by market based on the specific Compensation Plan (e.g., Plan A, B or C) and local regulations. The percentage you earn on base commissions could differ from one market to another, and the thresholds for volume and rank advancements may also vary.
There are typically limits on how much you can earn in base commissions from a single Pay Line (e.g., capped at a specific volume threshold, such as 13,334 points). However, there may not be an overall limit to your total earnings if you have multiple optimized Pay Lines and re-entries. Always consult your local Compensation Plan for the exact details on commission structures in your market.